CEI El Jarama for Noe is not just a summer camp, it is THE CAMP. He is French and the youngest of 4 siblings, Medhi, Adam, Elias and Noe. In 1993 the eldest brother, Medhi, arrived at CEI El Jarama. Ever since, year after year, there has always been at least one or two member of the family in the summer camp.
CEI El Jarama no es un campamento, es EL CAMPAMENTO. Él es el menor de 4 hermanos franceses, Medhi, Adam, Elias y Noé. En 1993 Medhi llegó desde Lyon a CEI El Jarama y año tras año, hasta cumplir la mayoría de edad, el resto de hermanos ha repetido experiencias entre nosotros.
This summer has been Noe´s last summer at CEI El Jarama. This long relationship is based on trust and honesty and also happens with lots of foreign, or local families, which year after year, since their kids are 6 till they become 16, choose CEI El Jarama for their summer camps.
Este verano Noé ha pasado su último año en CEI El Jarama. Esta larga relación de confianza y complicidad se repite también con otras familias que cada año, optan por pasar sus veranos disfrutando de CEI El Jarama.
Noe has just turned 17 years old and, thankfully, he plans to fly again from Lyon to Madrid next summer . This school year he pretends to prepare as a counsellor so that he can start putting it into place next year with us, at CEI El Jarama. We will be looking forward to it, our friend.
Noé acaba de cumplir 17 años y el próximo verano, pretende volar de nuevo desde Lyon hasta Madrid. No será un campista, ya se prepara para colaborar como monitor. Te estaremos esperando amigo.